Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Right conduct=Cock-sucking

When it comes to getting what you want --- assuming that, like me, what you want is to suck ALOT of cock --- nothing astonishes men more, nothing quite succeeds in unzipping a groaning but reluctant fly, getting his trou and shorts to drop --- nothing unlocks the treasure between your Aladdin's bristling legs, than the open sesame of a brutally honest lust to eat cock.

"Whaddyou want?"
"I want to suck you off."

We're all used to platitudes and pablum, doubletalk, bullshit and prevarication. No-one ever saying what they mean, or meaning what they say. That's why our honest and true desire and need for cock is so generally  unexpected, so rude sometimes but so attention-getting --- like getting smacked in the face by the very same big, stiff dick you've been dreaming of sucking...

COCK:  what a concept, so stupidly obvious yet so stupendously a mystery.

Jonesing 4 his seed

Excuse me while I blow thisguy
YR MY candy
Making him happy makes me happy
You've got the Power

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