Thursday, July 11, 2024



If, according to the Supreme Court's recent decision, anything a President does officially makes him immune to criminal prosecution, what's stopping Biden from arresting the Gang of Six, and Trump, and all his lickspittles?

Answer: Biden's a Democrat. Our captured Court would reverse themselves in an instant if Biden did such a thing; but as they have given the executive branch these overweening, unconstitutional powers, why not test them? Let's apply the law to those who made it, and see how they squeal when it's applied to them.

Let's not delude ourselves, friends: this is a fight for democracy, for the American way of life, for the rule of law. We cannot afford to lose. We must not lose.

and the right & freedom to suck cock

Forget the calls for Biden to drop out of the race: this would invite chaos and infighting within the Democratic party, and almost certainly lead to a Trump victory. FUCK the New York Times, fuck George Clooney and Michael Douglas and Clintonite dwarf George Stephanopoulos, fuck all those naysayers doing their media whore best to undermine Biden.

VOTE, motherfuckers!

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